
Welcome to Strauss Research.  This blog contains financial market analysis from Jonathan Strauss, CFA.

Jon is an investment strategist and consultant with over three decades of experience in analyzing the economy and the financial markets.  Click to learn more about his background.

Since early 2021, he has been working for an ultra-high net worth family office, as a consultant on investment strategy.

Every week he writes a detailed report analyzing political, economic and market developments, which is followed by a weekly conference call every Monday to discuss market strategy.

If anyone is interested in seeing these weekly investment reports, please contact Jon Strauss (contact information shown below) and he can add you to his e-mail list for a month or two at no charge.

He can now take on a few additional clients for this investment strategy consulting service, and is available to manage portfolios for high net worth clients.

Note:  the headings across the top menu of this website, entitled “Investment Philosophy,” “Why Unique and Valuable,” and “Excerpts from White Papers” contain various reports and articles that Jon Strauss has written.  Please see these reports for more information on his approach to investment strategy.

In addition, blog posts from the 2020 period are accessible on the sidebar to the right, including monthly investment review letters.

Contact information:   


513 – 379 – 2792  (mobile / text)

Linked In:  www.linkedin.com/in/Jonathan-Strauss-CFA  — or click here.

Note:  all information on this blog is copyrighted material.

© Jonathan Strauss, CFA   2020